Decrease and Increase

“One Year Bible” New Testament Passage
John 3:22-4:3

He must increase, but I must decrease.  John 3:30 (NKJV)

In John’s Gospel we regularly find epithets of profound truth.  As stories are told, we not only get the facts, we also get the meaning — the implications — the results of what Jesus says and does.  Therefore, the study of the Gospel of John yields great insights into God’s purposes and His intentions.

This passage today speaks of the comparison between Jesus and John the Baptist in their “baptizing ministry.”  John makes some very important observations about Jesus that are key to all ministry. 

Ours is a day of inflated egos, of bold vision, of building of empires.  There are some fantastic things going on today in the church world.  There is word of entire MOVEMENTS being birthed.  This is great and grand in terms of advance of the Kingdom of God.  We must applaud and encourage such great things.  In fact, it is the desire of all of us to participate more fully in these grand things.

However, we must be careful that human ego not rule the day.  Powerful individual persona can be the sentinel characteristic of some of the works of today.  In fact, it has even been said that certain national leaders have risen to the level of “Christian rock stars.”

The example of John must speak to us.  “I MUST DECREASE — SO THAT HE CAN INCREASE.”

The Puritans spoke of “performing to an audience of ONE.”  There is also another aspect to this picture.  There is only one who appears on the stage!  There is only one who we adore and follow.  His name is Jesus! 

In all our advance and in all our accomplishments, this must remain as our singular vision.

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