When the Javalines are Flying

“One Year Bible” Old Testament Passage
I Samuel 18:1-19:24

“And David behaved wisely in all his ways, and the Lord was with him.” I Samuel 18:14 (NKJV)

There are times when our enemies actually become our friends. It certainly is not pleasant or enjoyable to he disliked or criticized, but perhaps God has a plan in allowing it to happen.

Three times in this passage, the Bible says that David behaved himself wisely. He had to! The king was after him. David’s every move was watched. He was in a mix of treachery, deception, and danger. As a result, David was forced to continually operate in wisdom. He COULD NOT get “in the flesh” and lash out or react.

This was extremely tough on him at the time, but it was training for kingship. It was a prerequisite for the future God had for him. In this sense, David’s enemies (Saul) were really helping him.

Of primary importance here is this one truth: the hardship could only benefit David if he kept his focus on the Lord. David kept centered on God’s presence and blessing, not on the pressures and pains of opposition. This is the path of improvement. This is the path to the throne.

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