Swaying Hearts — Winning Lives (II Samuel 19:14)

David, “swayed the hearts of all the men of Judah.” The end result was “they sent this word to the king: ‘Return, you and all your servants?'” (II Sam. 19:14). One of David’s strengths as a leader was his ability to appeal to the hearts of those whom he led.

After enduring an insurrection against himself in which he had been driven from the throne by his own son, Absalom, David could have spewed venom and revenge. He could have lashed out against all who had hurt him and betrayed him. But, he did not.

Instead, his words were conciliatory and even endearing. While he could have blasted his opponents with rebukes, he instead said, “You are my brethren, you are my bone and my flesh.” (vs. 12)

Grace always triumphs over justice. This is the broad big picture of a God who loves us. He is strong enough to endure our rebellion and not repay us in kind. He never condones our misconduct, but He always covers us in His mercy and forgiveness. In so doing, He wins us. He wins us not by hard oppression, but by swaying our hearts. So David did; so we should do also with all who have hurt us.

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