Work and Miracles: Our Part/His Part

II Kings 4:1-7

Elisha the prophet gave instructions to the deeply in-debt widow that resulted in a miraculous provision of oil. As she poured the last remaining oil she had into a new vessel, it multiplied! It did not run out until many vessels were full. This was a miracle akin to Jesus feeding 5,000 men with a few fishes and loaves of bread.

With all those vessels full of oil, Elisha then told the widow to go sell the oil so that her oppressive debts could be paid.

But notice — God could have just as easily given the money to the widow. If he could create a flow of oil, He could have also laid coins in her hand. But, He provided in a way that caused the widow to be industrious and enterprising. He provided in such a way that she had to cooperate with the miracle in order for it to be completed.

This is a consistent principle. God CAN do anything that He choses (Psalm 115:3). He can create something out of nothing (ex nihilo). But He usually does His work in such a way as to require that we act — that we obey — that we cooperate with Him. Our actions do not CAUSE God’s miracles, but they often COMPLETE His work.

He is God, but you must MEET Him in His miraculous work.

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