March 28. Reading and Leading Up to Easter. John chapter 3

Unbelievable!_WIDE-TITLE-1Tuesday, March 28               John 3

It Takes Spiritual Eyes

How many times have we been befuddled by the ways of God.  It sounds like this: “God, what are you doing in my life?!”  We are like Nicodemus who slipped in by night to ask hard questions of Jesus.

Like a surgeon’s scalpel, Jesus’ words to Nicodemus cut to the core.  He goes to the heart.  Nicodemus’ problem was not theological.  It was not his lack of biblical training.  This Jewish leader was “a teacher of Israel” (John 3:10).  Yet, he still did not have the breath of heaven – the spiritual birthing that opens eyes.

No one can really see what Jesus is doing or has done for us unless their eyes are opened by the Holy Spirit.  The Gospel of Jesus Christ is mystery to a worldly mindset.  How can a so-called God-man die a horrible death and then rise from the dead, and in so doing, bring salvation to unworthy humans?  It doesn’t make sense until our eyes are opened.  Then, it makes perfect, marvelous, glorious sense.  So is the Cross and the Resurrection.  Pray today for your spiritual eyes to be opened.

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