Why We Seek

“One Year Bible” Old Testament History Passage
I Kings 14:1-15:24

“At that time Abijah the son of Jereboam became sick.  And Jereboam said to his wife, ‘Please arise, and disguise yourself, that they may not recognize you as the wife of Jereboam, and go to Shiloh.  Indeed, Abijah the prophet is there, who told me that I would be king over this people.'”  I Kings 14:1-2 (NKJV)

Where do you turn when you are in trouble?  Unfortunately, far too many people do not come to the Lord until tragedy, danger, or disease strikes.  Such was the case with Jereboam, king of Israel.  The few verses above show some interesting insights into the heart of this desparate leader.

1. INSECURITY.  He didn’t want anyone to know his son was sick.  Shiloh was within the boundaries of his rulership.  Why would he tell his wife to disguise herself when she went for help?  The only answer could possibly be that Jereboam felt that he had some sort of image to uphold.  He was afraid that PEOPLE WOULD TALK.  He was afraid they would no longer want to follow him if they knew that his son was sick.  I know that this sounds very strange, but it does appear to be what Jereboam was thinking.

Leaders can get this way.  We no longer live with transparency, but instead hide our sicknesses.  This is indicative of a deep heart problem.  Also, why did he get his wife to go calling on the prophet?  Again, he did not want to do it himself because he was INSECURE.

2.  GUILTY CONSCIENCE.  Jereboam sent his wife to the prophet Abijah.  He did not send her to a doctor or healer.  He sent her to the prophet who had originally prophecied over Jereboam that he would be king.  I see something in this.  Jereboam knew in his heart that he had done wrong when he built the golden calves at Dan and Bethel.  He knew that God was displeased with him.  Therefore when his son became sick, he put two and two together.  The origin of this whole mess was when Abijah had prophecied to him that he was to be king.  So, Jereboam sent his wife back to the prophet seeking answers for his dilemma.

Where do you turn when you are in trouble?  Why do you run to the Lord?  Some have called it “fire engine religion.”  As in the case of Jereboam, it usually doesn’t work.  The Bible says, “Seek the Lord while He may be found” (Is. 55:6).  Our motive should be desire to love and obey, not to escape His judgment.

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