“One Year Bible” Old Testament History Passage
I Kings 3:3-4:34

“And Solomon loved the Lord, walking in the statutes of his father David, except that he sacrificed and burned incense at the high places.”  I Kings 3:3 (NKJV)

Solomon had a solid walk with the Lord.  Later in this chapter, he demonstrated a remarkable level of maturity.  God invited him to “Ask!”  God offered to give Solomon virtually anything he requested, and Solomon selflessly ask for wisdom to do his job with excellence.  He ask for a pure heart! 

Solomon was an exemplary servant of God.  But there was an “EXCEPT”.  Scripture says that there was one “little area” that was out of order.  He still offered sacrifices to demons.  Just a little peccadillo.  Just a minor short-coming.  Certainly everyone has little faults like this — don’t they? 

Do you have an “except”?  Solomon had an awesome walk with God, but he also had a hidden point of vulnerability.  This “little area” ultimately caused his downfall.  Solomon began with great glory, but in his later years fell into wierd and arcane idolatry and confusion.  This “little” concession grew until it became a monster. 

Do you have an “except”?  It is these small flaws that can grow until they dominate and pollute your life.  So, what are we to do?  Begin today by confessing your weaknesses.  Get them covered by the blood of Jesus.  Then take them to the Cross.  Only Jesus can bring about full deliverance, healing, and strength.  AND HE WILL DO IT.  Seek help from trusted friends.  No battle to too big.  God can help us win every one.

Solomon was a great man.  But, he had flaws that were never yielded to God for correction.  Such is the case with far too many of God’s quality people.  Let’s let God bring us to new levels of victory.  It is worth the effort!

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