The Real Thing

Exodus 30:11-31:18

Many years ago, a song came out entitled “Ain’t Nothing Like the Real Thing.”  Recently, Coca Cola took this idea up in an advertising campaign.  Both are examples of a desire all men have for the REAL over the FAKE.  We hear the phrase, “Get real!” which means “Stop faking it.” 

When we come to God, we come to absolute REALITY.  In Him there is “no variableness or shadow of turning” (James 1:17).  This is reflected in the passage we read today.  We read about how the various parts to the Tabernacle are built and laid out. 

One of the common items we find used throughout the construction is the “holy anointing oil” (30:22-33).  This is like a perfume that is to adorn all of what takes place in the Inner Court and the Outer Court.  There are a few of characteristics of this anointing oil that I would like to point out:

1.  It is symbolic of the HOLY SPIRIT.  This anointing oil equates to being filled and empowered by the Holy Spirit today!  We are to walk in the Spirit (Gal. 5:16).

2.  This oil is not to be poured out on man’s FLESH (31:22).  This means that we can’t USE this anointing for our selfish, fleshly exploits. 

3.  We are forbidden from MANUFACTURING our own FAKE oil (31:32-33).  Religion, by definition, is when man tries to manufacture his own anointing oil.  Relationship is when we stay close to the Real One and get His Real Presence.

This is a call to GET REAL with God.  It is an invitation to receive the REAL THING.  When we do this, we lay down all the false, fake things that have tried to lure us away from REAL LIFE.

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