Dressed for the Job

Exodus 28:1-43

This chapter deals with priesthood in ancient Israel.  We’re looking not at priestly FUNCTION but at priestly ATTIRE.  How was a priest in the Old Testament to dress for his job?  It is a wonderful study to explore the layers of symbolism and meaning behind each piece of clothing and adornment.  Here are a couple of theoughts:

1.  PRIESTHOOD IS FOR EVERY ONE OF US TODAY.  The Old Testament model certainly points toward a select group of leaders within Israel who performed priestly duties.  But there is no such limited designation in the New Testament.  One of the hallmark beliefs surrounding the Protestant Reformation in the 1500’s was “the priesthood of ALL believers.”  Everyone can approach the throne of God — not just a select few “holy ones!”  So, if you are a follower of Jesus Christ, you are a PRIEST unto Him!

2.  PRIESTHOOD INVOLVES PARTICULAR ATTIRE.  In the Old Testament, it was an elaborate set of robes, ephods, shawls, etc.  In the New Testament it is THE BLOOD OF JESUS!  All of these Old Testament garments have symbolic meaning for us today, but there is no approved New Testament vestments other than righteousness in Jesus’ Name.

3.  PRIESTHOOD IS ALWAYS REPRESENTATIVE.  This may seem confusing to you.  Unfortunately, most believers have a full time job just keeping themselves taken care of (and prayed up).  But, priests never just take care of themselves.  They always carry other people to the throne.  Exodus 28:12 says that the priests had precious jewels on their breatplates that represented the people of God so that they could “bear their names before the Lord.”  This is what we would call intercessory ministry, in which we pray for particular people who God lays on our hearts.

So, in conclusion, here are a few questions:
1.  Are you fulfilling your calling as a priest?
2.  Are you today adequately dressed for your job?
3.  Who are you carrying to the throne?

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